Monday 5 March 2012

Follow up for "The Garden Dance"

I certainly was not expecting The Garden Dance to have three parts! It was a challenge to write, but I had a very pleasant time writing it and turning fragments of a dream into a story. There was a mystery element to the piece that I really appreciate and am a fan of in other works.

The Garden Dance has made me re-evaluate some of what I thought and said previously about my Short Stories series: I was not going to bring characters back once they had been in a story (although I did say I was open to changing my mind on this), and I was not going to have any stories go on for more than one post. Evidently, The Garden Dance has changed that, and while I do not believe that story can go any further, if I have recurring characters or stories that go on for a few posts, I will be fine with that. If I write something and a particular character seems interesting enough to create a spin-off from, why not create a plot for them?

As for multiple-post stories, in future I will be posting them once a week rather than daily. I did feel I rushed The Garden Dance a bit, but it was an exceptional circumstance since I thought I would only have enough content for a single post and wanted to get it finished as soon as possible.

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