Sunday 6 July 2014

No more dog mess

One of the local primary schools has begun a canine crap clearing campaign:

There are about fifteen of these anti-dog mess posters hanging up and down the road that passes the school, each one created by a different student. All contain a drawing and a slogan along the lines of "clean up dog mess" or "no to dog poo" written on them.

I think they're both creative and environmentally aware! These posters gave the chance for the children to use their imaginations - and for a noble cause: if children can be encouraged to help clean up smaller messes like this, perhaps it'll also teach them to help address environmental problems when they're older.

There is a lot of dog mess in this town. To be fair, most dog owners do clear up after their canines, but the minority that don't are numerous enough to cause the dog mess to be perpetually visible.


  1. I like that poster! That's great that they have kids making these. Hopefully owners heed these posters.

  2. I like it when you say crap. hahahahahah. So unlike you.

    1. It's fairly non-offensive in most contexts, unlike some other words. Besides, I had to have some alliteration here. :)

  3. In Seattle you get fined $250 for failing to clean up your dog's poop. This seems like such a great way to get kids involved. It would be so fun to look at all their posters.

    1. There are fines here, too, but they are rarely enforced.

      I agree! It is a great way. :)
