Monday 27 October 2014

"Who's On Heart" 2014 update

Remember "Who's On Heart" 2014? The game is still in progress. It's almost been six months since the wrong guesses list was released and four months since Ben Miller was identified as the second mystery celebrity. Since June, the competition has stagnated.

That all changed this morning when the Heart radio network released a hint. The network confirmed that "Who's" is being said by Ben Miller, "on" by Stevie Nicks and "heart" by the as-of-yet unidentified celebrity. On the surface, the hint appears trivial or even outright useless but I think it'll be helpful: it means that people can focus on listening to the "heart" segment while ignoring the other two words.

I hadn't forgotten about "Who's On Heart"; my brother has keeping me informed about how the competition has been progressing or, perhaps more accurately, how it's been stale for months.


  1. Do they have a YouTube audio sample? I might be able to give it a listen!

    1. Here you go. :)
