Wednesday 18 March 2015

Nearly-crushed phone

I encountered somebody with both a kind heart and good observational skills. I was crossing the road from my bus stop to my college when my phone fell out and I didn't even notice. This man then started shouting; it was only when I realised he was yelling for my attention that I turned around to see what was going on: my phone was in the road! I rushed back to pick it up and then waved to the man to thank him; he acknowledged me.

I was fortunate for two reasons: 1. that he'd noticed my phone in the road and 2. that it hadn't been crushed by traffic. The road was busy and it astounds me that no one ran it over. I am grateful to that man...I would have been fuming if my phone had been destroyed. I'll keep a better watch on my shirt pocket and will be more careful so that my phone isn't at risk like this again.

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